"The rhinoceros is a distant cousin of the sick zebra I helped to wash when I was a boy and the circus came to Rimini. My theory about why the zebra was sick is that he didn’t have any sex in his life. How could he feel well? There was, after all, only one zebra in that circus. The rhinoceros is lovesick." —— Federico Fellini
真的是反转反转再反转,14集的体量却一点不显得拖沓,主角一家人在刀锋边缘的不断游走真的是够刺激。夫妻两人其实挺搭的,只不过是女主外男主内的设计。妻子基本上已经没什么底线思维了,但也因此总能在几乎绝境情况下找到出路,而丈夫则更为沉稳,能够明白自己到底想做什么。相比之下,RUTH的确是太孤单了,一路走来要不是主角光环可能早就挂了,这样的结局也是意料之中。最后这样一个开放式的结局无所谓好或者不好,THIS IS AMERICA~~~个人评价:A