3.5 || 倒落水出外採購藉口/鄰居不似預期/高傲是故意還是本性/ 偷竊投名狀/ 母親綁架兒子 / 孤兒院案,感情線出賣了內奸,說出秘密毁了自己真不好受, 結尾很右 -if the fish you're looking to catch isn't in the sea...look in the tank. -Roy Batty式死亡 -next time you fancy a quick fuck -who picks the groundlings over us belongs to the ground -fresh flowers every day -Inspector. Skepticism might -chosen not to tell me something.
like the style. 全剧的冷色调,搭上挖苦的英式幽默。一个经历过创伤的暴脾气老警探,一个不甘于现状的年轻人。we never forget the Berlin Wall,as if it's never gone. 个人最爱River跟踪Hobden的那段戏。 i do love Gary…forever godfather and Lowden is just like an adorable puppy+hound P.S.看到有大大给起的片名昵称:慢慢马~