《比利·林恩的中场战事》有关战后创伤,《双子杀手》则试图解决这个问题——用不怕被伤害的克隆人作战。不过在内涵的可咀嚼性上,该片远不如前作,“克隆人”主题也浅尝即止。仅是流水线上的简单爆米花电影,非典型李安作品。不烂但平庸,或者说李安导演交出这样的“水货”难以让人满意。当然,技术上还是厉害,3D版推荐看4 k 120帧,一来该片的夜戏不少,李导“少年派”之后还迷上了水中戏;二来高速摄影的动作戏,120帧能让人晕得更过瘾(沉浸感强烈)。。。
What a masterpiece! Every single episode is directed by the legendary Soderbergh so with each frame you can feel the drama or tension shining through. The knick is an incredible series with too real medical scenes, which may be hard for the weak stomachs. But anyways, do yourself a favor and watch this incredible show.