Sincerely written then performed. I did not quite get it the first time watched it then watched the second time third time. A good movie is hard to forget for that I watched this film many years ago yet still it freshly printed in my mind. Every body in the movie made the story/ memory stayed in my head for so many years.
所以说这还是当成超英漫改电影比较说得过去,主要就是完成joker的origin story,独立出来看这剧作其实是很不平衡的。在social commentary上下功夫太少,街头暴力呈现得徒有其表,joker个人的故事也根本没同阶级问题真正结合起来,eat the rich的sentiment没多少说服力,最蠢是后面要让joker慷慨演说发表中心思想??这倒是挺符合超英电影特点的(就算我没看过多少猜也能猜到),本质上叙事是弱的,动作戏才是重头。另,Joker的反抗完全是私人复仇性质的,残忍弑母更说明这样的暴力是盲目而自私的。好意思把这同阶级斗争,同团结所有受苦难同胞的左翼意识联系起来的,那都是非蠢即坏。