because of shame&love。看了书以后紧接着看电影,就势必会作比较。基本遵从原著,可是电影省略了几个我觉得挺重要的情节。凯特温斯莱特制服一穿帅死了美死了!
ugly guy this ken kid! it's nothing like the original one, sucks balls
调侃了一下电影 讽刺了一下好莱坞 别无他用
「What if she's forgotten about me? → When I was in prison, the only thing got me through was Cassie. I could have been locked up for 100 years. I never would have forgotten her. I know your mom is counting the minutes until she can see you again.」「Excuse me. Are we planning on leaving soon or are you two gonna keep staring at each other until they start shooting at us?」